This week's assignment is preparing the class for a field navigation outing at the University's new daycare center, a few miles south of campus, denoted by the place marker here in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1 |
The total land area that this exercise will take place on is approximately 112 acres in size and consists of hilly and woody terrain. A high resolution aerial image is shown in Fig. 2 with a red boundary box denoting the area in which various points will be placed for the class to navigate to.
Fig. 2 |
The first thing we did in preparation for the navigation exercise was to go outside and conduct a pace count. Essentially, a pace count is a way to count how many steps one takes in a 100 meter stretch. This will become extremely helpful since we won't have a GPS unit to establish an exact distance for us. It should be noted that we conducted the pace count on a sidewalk to get a true 100 meter distance. However, it is also apparent that once in the woods, we won't be able to walk in a straight line, therefore we will have to add a few paces to our own pace counts to adjust to the situation we will face in the woods. Everyone did the pace count at least twice so that we could average our paces if they were off each time we did it. My personal pace count was 67 paces per 100 meters. Also, the reason that we did this exercise in meters is because our maps will utilize a UTM coordinate system which also measures distances in meters.
That being said, let's talk coordinate systems for a bit! Coordinate systems are the single most important part of making a map. One must know which coordinate system is best suited for their area of interest or else the map could become useless or even work against you. Most people are familiar with the standard latidude/longitude coordinate systems, but rarely should this coordinate system be used outside of making a small geographic scale or global map. This is because latitude and longitude cannot be used to measure precise distances which are needed in a navigation situation. Thus, for surveying or navigation uses, a coordinate system suited for a large geographic scale are necessary. The most popular and useful are UTM and State Plane coordinate systems which allow meter precision. A UTM coordinate system breaks the world into longitudinal based strips or zones in order to minimize distortion. More information on UTM coordinate systems can be found here:
A State Plane System is a coordinate system developed specifically for each state. The only problem with this is that this system is still considered to broad for an area like the one we will be doing our field activity on. A State Plane system is best suited for an area covering most of a state or an area falling between two UTM zones within a state. We decided that utilizing a UTM coordinate system would suit us best for our exercise. The exercise area falls into UTM zone 15 and we will use the NAD83 datum for reference.
The next step was to compile all of the data we will be using for making our map into a file geodatabase in ArcMap so that we could run the Arctools and spatial analysis tools on the files. Our geodatabse consists of: shapefiles for navigation and point boundaries, orthoimagery of the area of interest, surveyed 2 ft. contour lines, and also a DEM. After getting all of the data into the geodatabase, it is necessary to get all of the data into the same projection so that further analysis can be done accurately. Once again, we wanted to get all of the data into the UTM 15N projection. This is where we hit a bit of a speed bump with the surveyed contour data. This data was in a CAD format and lacked any spatial projection reference as shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3 |
Fig. 4 |
The map that I made, which was chosen for the group map, is detailed in the following paragraph and images.
For the one side of the map (Fig. 5), I wanted just a basic, clean map showing the contour lines along with the prominent man-made features of the landscape: the Children's Center, two houses in the SW, and a holding pond to the NE highlighted in orange. The purple contour lines are the 2m contours and the green contours are 5m contour lines. I was also able to label each contour line for quick reference. The Children's Center building sits atop the highest elevation point. The inside red square box indicates the point boundary and the outer, thicker red box indicates the navigation boundary. We included a 20m x 20m grid over the top of the map elements so measuring distances will be very easy. Other map elements include: North arrow for reference, scale in meters, and also projection information.
Fig. 5 |
On the other side (Fig. 6), I chose to include the orthoimage which will be very helpful for visual reference of the landscape and also a color coded DEM to show the altering elevations of the landscape.
Fig. 6 |
The key concepts from this exercise include datasets, map projections, and map elements. All three are extremely important as they each contribute vital information to the map itself and also to the user. One has to decide on what datasets are most important to the map reader and then how to manipulate the datasets to show what you want as well as to create an aesthetically pleasing and useful map. Once again, projections make or break a map. Firstly, make sure to pick an appropriate coordinate system and then make sure all of the datasets are defined to the same projection to provide an accurate range of data. Map elements such as a north arrow, scale, and some sort of legend are also vital elements of map. Without these elements the map becomes very ambigous and useless. These maps will be put to the true test this coming week as we will actually be out in the field implementing them. I just hope these maps work well or my group may start a mutiny against me!
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